Day 1 – Getting Unstuck Leads to Fulfillment – [Oprah and Deepak Chopra Teachings]

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Getting Unstuck – Creating a Limitless Life – Oprah and Deepak Chopra 21 Day Meditation Experience

These are amazing notes – not transcripts –  from Deepak and Oprah’s meditation challenge, Getting Unstuck, Creating a Limitless Life, written by DoinTheGratefulDance .  I have enjoyed several of the meditation series Oprah and Deepak Chopra have shared.  I am not affiliated with them – just a grateful listener too and wanted to share these wonderful notes.    I couldn’t have done a better job!  Thanks for sharing these notes!


Day 1  “Getting Unstuck Leads to Fulfillment”
“Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.” – George Lois 

Deepak and Oprah define getting “Unstuck”  as removing the limitations we place on ourselves by our old patterns and perceptions in all areas of our lives – work, relationships, finances, etc, that frustrate and limit us from experiencing the life we want.  This is accomplished by expanding our awareness, reconnecting with the energy of our Source to receive  renewal and guidance, the energy which will in turn open new choices and options leading to inner fulfillment of our true selves in mind, body and spirit.  We feel alive and creative.

“I am fulfilled when I can be who I want to be”


Sanskrit Mantra is:

 “Om Gum Shreem (sounds like Ohm Goom Shreem)
– My limitless awareness overcomes all obstacles”


Week 1:   will concentrate on the power of being present, experiencing the present moment as limitless and for renewal at every level

Week 2:   we will live from our creative source, let go of the past, choose expansiveness and experience a new level of living our  full potential.

Week 3 :  we will share our creative awareness and spread the energy of being unstuck to those around us.

Deepak talks about filling the gap between who we want to be and how we are actually functioning and navigating through life – stress, weight, work, relationships, any area of life, wanting to change but feeling limited in our choices and opportunities to change, feeling overshadowed by old patterns with a feeling of lack of fulfillment.  Over the next 21 days, we will be removing limits from our lives, experiencing fulfillment, moving forward and freeing ourselves.   The gap between what we want and what we have/are now will start to close and we’ll get to be who we want to be.

Deepak says there are two elements to getting unstuck – expectations and awareness.  Some people already know they’re stuck – that awareness is the most important step in getting unstuck because we can’t change what we’re not aware of.  If our expectations are too low and we’ve settled for the limitations in our lives, we may have resigned ourselves to being stuck – even without knowing it.

Expanded awareness can accomplish anything!  In meditation, we experience a state of expanded awareness and it influences our day and how we become who we want to be.

  • Being stuck does NOT have to be permanent and anyone can change it.
  • We all want a life of fulfillment – expectations, dreams and inner potential.
  • When we are unstuck, fulfillment comes naturally and effortlessly.
  • Life moves from desire to achievement in the shortest and most natural path for every intention.
  • The universe works on our behalf, Oprah says.
  • Concentrate on being fulfilled, being who you want to be.  Say it to yourself.

Listen  to some relaxing music, breathe slowly and deeply,  more and more relaxed, and meditate for about 10 minutes using the Sanskrit mantra,

 Om Gum Shreem
Aiigns our desires with the flow and force of universal existence so that fulfillment of desire comes easily and effortlessly.

Repeat  silently to yourself  and if distracted by thoughts, etc, return to silently repeating it…

Om Gum Shreem
Om Gum Shreem

Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes and then release the mantra   Concentrate on the centering thought for the day:   ”  Being fulfilled and being who I want to be.”

Reflections on Day 1.. write about it…

  • Who do I want to be?  What are 3 things I value in who I want to be?
  • Using the 3 examples, who do I want to be and who am I now?
  • Start closing the gap by picking any two of the values and start working on them today – no matter how small but keeping them positive.

Oprah lessons  written  by DoinTheGratefulDance


Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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