3 Simple Tips! You Attract Your Experience
You attract your experience. Every experience you have had in your life has made you into the person you are today. I believe your everyday approach to life can move you to a higher level of consciousness with these 3 simple tips shared here.
The Law of Attraction, I have been fascinated by it for a long time and I rarely come across people who are fully aware of how much the Law of Attraction impacts their day to day life. In other words, you attract your experience.
Regardless of when we do things consciously or subconsciously, every bit of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending vibrational frequency out of our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have sent out.
You can do this through visualization, affirmations, finding stillness, peace with meditation, spiritual study; gratitude, forgiveness and letting go of unexamined perceptions. What you do on a daily basis creates your life and your future. In conclusion, you attract your experience. “Whatever you focus on, WILL expand.”
Goal Setting to Attract Your Experience
Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want something to happen. Unless you clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it the first place, your odds of success are considerably reduced.
Here are a few tips that can help you set goals with confidence and enjoy the satisfaction that comes along with knowing you achieved what you set out to do.
Clearing: Display or depict the things that you are striving to achieve.
Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years’ time? Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?
These 3 Simple Tips to attract a wonderful, happy, productive life experience:
Tip 1:
To make sure your goal is motivating, write down why it’s valuable and important to you. Ask yourself, “If I were to share my goal with others, what would I tell them to convince them it was a worthwhile goal?” You can use this motivating value statement to help you if you start to doubt yourself or lose confidence in your ability to actually make the goal happen.
Tips 2:
Post your goals in visible places to remind yourself every day of what it is you intend to do. Put them on your walls, desk, computer monitor, bathroom mirror or refrigerator as a constant reminder.
Ask yourself this question: Are any of the changes you make, actual improvements in your life?
Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take. By keeping goals aligned with this, you’ll develop the focus you need to get ahead and do what you want.
Affirmation: I choose to always use 100% of my mind’s capacity.
Tip 3:
Frame your goal statement positively.
Uplifting Extra: It is not necessary for even one other person to understand the Laws of the Universe or the processes in order for you to have a wonderful, happy, productive life experience, for you are the attractor of your experience. Just you!
Learn more about the essence of the Abraham-Hicks. A synopsis of Abraham Hicks Teaching: “You Are The Attractor of Your Experience.”
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions”. ~ Oliver Wendell
Remember, “Whatever you focus on, WILL expand.”
Take Action! Plan all of the steps that are needed along the way to reach your goals. By writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you’ll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal.
To your health, success & happiness!