Cosmic Ordering Secret – My Health Restoration
I have a family to take care of…3 kids, 2 girls and 1 boy. To me they are my life, and I cannot do without them.
About three months ago, I was breathing with difficulty while out shopping for groceries and had to be admitted in the hospital immediately. I was very scared then, thinking “Nothing must happen to me, who would take care of my family if I’m ill or down with something horrible?”
They took my blood, and did a few scans. Eventually, they diagnosed it as an weight issue. Even though my weight was just slightly above the average for my height, things were actually rather bad. The doctors were telling me I really gotta keep my weight down as soon as possible, which was rather difficult.
That was when I came across Cosmic Ordering Secret when I was researching online resources for the fastest way to lose weight.
Cosmic Ordering Secret reveals the awesome secret that we can Order whatever we want, perfectly legal of course, from the universe. Zoey Knightley, the author of the book, goes into detail, starting first with case studies of people who used Cosmic Ordering to attain their success, and then her own personal experience.
Next, she goes in-depth into how to create a Cosmic Order, the resources and tools to use and so on. I learned this technique – visualization. I never came across such a mind technique before, and it opened my mind to a lot of things. Now, I do a lot of visualization, and my whole life just became more positive.
The package for Cosmic Ordering Secret also comes with a few bonus reports or books. One of them is 5 Common Foods That Boost Your Connection With The Universe. It was just what I needed at that time. I incorporated the foods as much as I could in my diet.
It was as if the Ordering heard me and granted my wish, because my college friend whom I lost in touch with suddenly found me through Facebook and connected with me, because they were planning a reunion among our college circle. She was a fitness trainer and when she heard of my situation, she immediately dropped everything and flew in to help me. I cried that day. She agreed with the content written in the bonus report and tailored an exercise and diet regime specially for me. Together with the knowledge I gained from Cosmic Ordering Secret, I started on the regime day and night.
Another useful report is the 7 Ways To Vanquish Energy Blocks. I find it very useful because it is an all-rounded guide for me to clear the energy blocks that were holding me back from getting my health back.
I am very grateful that my Ordering has been accepted and made true. I now regularly offer my gratitude to the universe for the health it restored to me. Now I truly cherish my health and make an every effort to keep healthy so that I can be around for my kids as long as I can.
Don’t underestimate the Cosmic Ordering force, because it WILL better your life!