27 Powerful Affirmations for Entrepreneurs

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If you aren’t using affirmations on a regular basis, give them a try and see how you can achieve anything you’ve ever dreamed of!


Be determined to focus on the way you want your future to be and change your way of thinking by using affirmations.


27 Powerful Affirmations You Can Start With:

1. I attract success and prosperity with all of my ideas.
2. Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me.
3. Success and good fortune flow toward me in a river of abundance.
4. All of my thoughts, plans and ideas lead me straight to success.
5. Opportunities and advantages come with each door that I open.
6. At every turn, opportunity appears before me.
7. Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind.
8. I am becoming better at what I do everyday.
9. I am an example of success and triumph.
10. I have a magnetic and dynamic personality.
11. My personality is radiant with confidence, certainty and optimism.
12. I have always more than enough money to meet my needs.
13. Unexpected money falls simply into my lap.
14. I attract only lucrative, enjoyable and beneficial circumstances.
15. I receive money just by thinking luxuriously.
16. When I open my mailbox, there’s always a check for me.
17. My attitude grows happier and healthier every single day.
18. I love and enjoy what I do.
19. I have created the perfect business for myself.
20. I wake up with the best job in the world.
21. I am a success magnet.
22. I have the power to do the most incredible things.
23. I enjoy being positive.
24. I have abundant faith in my ability to succeed.
25. I am passionate about increasing my fortune.
26. My wealth is increasing more and more now.
27. I am happy, successful and fulfilled.



Adapted from the Article “80 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs”


Submit Yourself to great ABUNDANCE….


Do you know that Affirmation is affirmare in latin
which originally meant “to make steady, strengthen”?


Affirmations work just like magic.


>> Here’s how it works



Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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