Confident Me – [Oprah & Chopra Desire and Destiny Meditation Experience]

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Confident Me

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt


The Spiritual Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish more, an idea that seems at odds with what many of us have been taught throughout our lives. We’ve been told that success is the result of hard work, struggle, and sacrifice. When meditating,  tap into the ever-present flow of natural ease that is available within, as we plant the seeds to live our destiny each and every day.
The universe has infinite organizing power, and as conscious beings, we have ready access to this realm simply by spending time in stillness and silence. The same consciousness that orchestrates the myriad rhythms of the whole world dwells within each of us. As we cultivate present moment awareness and remain open to the many opportunities life offers, we open to the power within us to realize all our dreams with effortless ease. ~ Oprah & Deepak Chopra Desire and Destiny


Centering Thought for today:   Abundance flows easily and freely to me.


  •  Make a list of the areas in your life that feel like a struggle. Use this writing time to let it all out; write until you feel complete. After journaling, take a moment to feel all of the sensations in your body, mind, and heart associated with your writing. Take a deep breath in, using your breath to send gentle love and light to any place within that feels tense, uneasy, heavy, or conflicted. Visualize all feelings of struggle being released as you exhale.




>> Follow this link to discover that secret to create your dream life. >>


  • Reflecting on your answers to Question 1, briefly describe how some or all of your perceived struggles might be blocking abundance in your life. Now, take time to write how you can reframe your reaction to perceived struggle. Is there an action or actions that will provide a sense of relief? For example, if you’re struggling with something in a relationship, would it help to have a heartfelt talk with that person?
  • What are you grateful for today?


From Oprah & Chopra 21 Day Meditation Experience Desire and Destiny

Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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