Natural Wellness, Healthy Living Tips and Alternative Health Care
Our bodies thrive naturally when we work with Nature, instead of without it. The healthy living tips and articles on this page can introduce you to some of the ideas, philosophies, and ideas to keep your health optimum in natural ways.
Remember, it all starts with eating right. If you haven’t started that yet, I don’t care what else you’re doing – essential oils, herbs, exercise, or anything below – if you’re eating like crap, you’re going to feel like crap.
But of course, food is not the whole picture. There may be particular things we need to do, or specific topics we’re interested in to support our body in doing its job. And together with other health nuts, and maybe a few experts thrown in the mix, I’ve started this section based on my own (or their) research, experience, and relevant studies on the topics. Obviously, this is still a new section too, so don’t hesitate to let me know what you’d like me to add (or feel free to contact me if you’d like to add something yourself!).