How to Achieve Your Dreams (And Keep Going When It’s Hard!) 

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It takes a lot of work to achieve your dreams.  Here are three strategies you should follow to Achieve Your Dreams:



Inexperienced personal development teachers always tell you to visualize nothing but victory. But high-achievers know that it’s even more important to visualize themselves at the point where they want to quit, and then see themselves working through the struggle. What will you say to yourself in that moment when it gets too tough or your dream seems too hard?  It’s not just about seeing yourself validated and victorious; it’s about visualizing yourself push through struggle to achieve your dream.



Research what the High performers dream from a multitude of sources. Research the leaders in fields related to yours, synthesize their findings and see how you can apply their hard-won wisdom to your work. Stand on their shoulders and then make a leap into new territory that is distinctly yours.  To become world-class, you have to know who has already cracked the struggle you face ahead. Don’t reinvent the wheel.



Actualizing your dream begins with initiating movement. You have to show up every single day and work toward your dream. The highest performers didn’t get to where they are because they were lucky; they worked for years toward their dream. They honored the struggle and didn’t complain about the effort involved in becoming world-class. Remember, when you knock on the door of Opportunity, it is Work who answers!


You need positive, engaged and smart people around you who can give you feedback and cheerleading as you grow.  The willingness to get constructive feedback from people who are on your same path – not random doubters – will keep your dream alive.


The only one who can ever give up on your dream is YOU. When you realize this, you get to make the decision to stay with your dreams and keep going. Refuse to give up on your dream and you will experience what IS  The Charged Life!



Article first appeared in Huffington Post:

How to Achieve Your Dreams (And Keep Going When It’s Hard!) | Brendon Burchard


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Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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