Beyond The Secret: Change Your Life in 5 Simple Steps

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Two goals that are on top of everyone’s agenda…they both support and reinforce life’s most important pursuit:  HAPPINESS.

Personal Success and Professional Success …two interdependent life goals:

Personal success supports and reinforces professional success, and professional success reinforces personal success.

But how are these goals achieved? What does it take?




According to Rhonday Byrne,  it’s The Law of Attraction. Byrne says,  in ” The Secret,”  the power of positive thoughts will act like magnets to bring things your way, helping you identify and externalize your internal strengths and capabilities. “Put good things in your mind,”  says Byrne, “and they’ll happen.”

strengthsBut according to Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica in “The Element,” while positive thought may be a necessary condition for bringing out strengths and capabilities, it isn’t sufficient.

Maybe you are exceptional in drawing, dancing, cooking, or some other field. That’s where you need to position yourself. You must find your own “element,” your passion– the right field of study, the right occupation, sport or activity that matches your inner strengths and capabilities — which you might or might not even know you possess.

The right conditions and right circumstances will give you the opportunity to put these strengths and capabilities to work and get the right people to appreciate them. The right country, city or neighborhood; the right teacher, mentor, acquaintance and friend. Or the right habits.




Some people have had uncaring teachers suppressing rather than nurturing different ways of thinking and different attitudes. Also, some people are self-absorbed, lack personal goals, associate with the wrong crowd in the wrong places, or constantly blame others for failing to get ahead in life, rather than taking the right steps to escape from this context.  Here’s the Formula -Beyond The Secret…


5 Simple Step Formula to Change Your Life: 

Step 1: Stop being self-absorbed, get out of your comfort zone, and search for a purpose that will add meaning and excitement in your life.

Step 2: Move to a new neighborhood, a new town, where people appreciate different ways of thinking.

Step 3: Acquire new acquaintances and new friends, who appreciate who you are, and help you find your “element” rather than distracting you from it.

Step 4: Develop good habits. Very often we find ourselves involved in jobs and various occupations, which we derive little to no satisfaction or they don’t totally fulfill us. Yet we continue on the same line because this is what we have been taught to do and don’t have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job. There comes a time to move away from unfulfilling contexts.

Step 5: Arrange your choices.  In other words, make the desired choice most accessible to you.  For instance, if you are good as a dancer, you may want to live near a theater district. If you are good in sports, you may want to live near a sports center, and so on.

TIP:  To change your life, you need more than positive thoughts. You must find your element by changing the context you live in.


Original Article published by

Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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