9 Easy Steps to Plan For Your Best Year To Come

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  • What better time to start fresh with some positive changes this coming new year? Here are 10 steps to plan for your best year:



This is the perfect time of year to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for a happy and fulfilling year ahead.   What better time to start fresh with some positive changes this coming new year?

Here are 10 steps to plan for your best year:


1. Reflect back on your year.

mirrorTake a few moments to look back on your year. Where did you experience the most joy or satisfaction? What areas of your life are not working so well? What life lessons did you learn and what did you discover about yourself?   Plan for a happy and fulfilling year!

Your answers to these questions will provide vital clues and insights into what you need to focus on and how you can positively transform your life in the new year.


2. Choose to let things go.

door-1781613_1280We all have old resentments from the past, regrets or mistakes that we carry around with us. They weigh us down and holding onto them is not serving us.  Ask yourself the following questions:  What might I need to let go of in order to move forward? How will I choose to direct my time and energy in the immediate future?

Make a list of memories or events from your past that you are willing to finally let go this month. You may also like to physically declutter items your home (like excess clothing, broken furniture and old paperwork).

By doing this, you will be making space for new dreams to come to you in the new year.


3. Get in touch with who you are.

vision-of-who-you-areThere is no one single definition of success. In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, you need to get in touch with what you value, what you desire, what you are passionate about, and what your gifts or strengths are. By knowing more about your uniqueness you will be in a better position to set goals that feel right to your soul, rather than setting goals based on the status quo or expectations of others.


4. Create a vision for your life.

visionboard-1Write down what you would love your life to look like in key life areas, like love and relationships, career and contribution, wealth and lifestyle, health and wellbeing, learning and creativity, and soul or spirituality. Let your imagination run wild and map out an overall vision for your ideal life.  What is your passion?


5. Set your top goals and plan of action.

set-goalsTake your vision and choose your top goals or priorities for the year ahead. What would make the biggest impact on your life? What excites you the most? Goals take time and energy, so you need to make sure you are committed to your top goals and know why you want to achieve them; how will it benefit or change your life? Then take your top goals and break them down into action steps you can take each month.  Try for a target big enough to make you proud of yourself, but small enough that you can clearly imagine yourself doing the work.  If you choose a goal that excites your personal motivation and sparks your imagination, success will flow.


6. Upgrade your mindset to match your dreams.

cat-sees-lion-mirrorYou need to believe in your ability to reach your goals in order to achieve them. Ask yourself: “What beliefs would help me achieve my goals?” For example, believing that you are capable, resourceful, confident, and of value to the world. Write a list of 5-10 affirmations based on your new beliefs and read them daily.


7. Schedule in time to fill your cup.

me-timeA happy life is not just about external goals and achievements. It’s also about making time for doing the things we love – for play, creativity, laughter, relaxation, hobbies, learning, and quality time with loved ones. Take a look at your calendar and make sure you are scheduling in time each week for fun and relaxation.


8. Choose a new habit to add to your routine.

new-habitWe become what we repeatedly do. Reflect on your daily habits and routines. Are they serving you? What is one small positive habit you can add to your routine to set you up for success? For example: Meditation, journalling, yoga, doing a weekly review of your goals, or giving your time for a cause you believe in.




9. Be present in each moment.

Every day is a beautiful gift filled with beauty, blessings and magic.

The truth is happiness is a mindset and a state of being that you cultivate through gratitude and enjoying your life now. And when you learn to appreciate and enjoy this very moment, you will have more energy and inspiration to achieve your biggest goals and dreams.




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Original Article written by Elise Santilli and  published by The Huffington Post


Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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