FMD Phase 1 Exercise: Circuit Workout

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Exercising can  be a fun and exciting activity,  specially if your goal is to become fit and feel better about yourself. It becomes more special and fun  if you do it with your friends or loved ones. So take that step in your life  to lose weight and become a better version of yourself.  You don’t need to go to the Gym to get your exercise.  You’ll love these exercises which you can do at home.


Circuit Workout for Phase 1 Exercise

Circuit Workout for Phase 1 exercise
This Phase 1  workout combines strength and cardio exercises to get fit and healthy at the same time.You can actually lose a pound per week with these Fast Metabolism Diet Community easy-to-follow exercise steps:

Burn it off

You can do this intense workout with just about any open space. This routine has an  8-minute cardio alternate bouts with 6-minute strength sets for maximum burning of fats.

Do the Cardio Blast for every circuit workout, then go through the strength exercises twice with a 30-second break every after each move.   Move to the next circuit.


Circuit 1

Cardio Blast: You can either go biking, running, or inline skating for about 5 minutes. Just don’t forget to increase your pacing from easy to moderate intensity, then increase to moderate pace for about 3 minutes.


Circle Hop Squat



  1. Stand with feet far apart and turned slightly outward.
  2. Lift your chest, lower your body to form a squat and stretch arms to reach the ground.
  3. Push into feet so that you could jump up as you turn to 180 degrees left while in the air then circle arms up and over from right to left at the same time.
  4. Land lightly on the ground in a squatting position and facing the opposite direction, arms back towards the ground.
  5. Repeat previous step, jumping to the right in a 180-degree angle as you move your arms in a circle from left to right. Alternate for 1 minute.


Diamond Push-Up

modified squat


  1. Get your knees down and close together and do a modified push-up position.
  2. Using your fingers, form an imaginary diamond shape and place it directly under your chest, and arms straight straight but don’t lock your elbows.
  3. Bend your elbows so that they are placed at the sides of your torso and point slightly backward while lowering your chest toward the ground.
  4. Press your palms against the ground and carry your body to come back up; repeat for 1 minute.

Alternative: You could also place your hands directly under your shoulders.


Circuit 2

Cardio Blast: Done by alternating 2 minutes moderate intensity with 2 minutes high intensity for a total of 8 minutes.


Core Leg Drop

Core leg drop


  1. Lie on your back with legs straight up and raised in a 90-degrees angle.
  2. Clasp your hands and reach forward while lifting head and shoulder blades.
  3. With left leg kept in initial position, bring right leg straight down, crunch up, and bring hands down to slightly touch the left thigh.
  4. Return to previous position and  repeat steps on the right side.
  5. Alternate for about a minute.

Alternative: Keep your hands behind your head throughout the pose.


Single-Leg Push-Off

Single leg push off


  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands raised in front of the body with palms put forward.
  2. Lift your right foot and then bend knee in a 90-degrees angle so that your heel faces behind you.
  3. Fall forward in a slight manner onto your hands while right leg kept bent and lifted to allow left heel raising off the ground.
  4. Push weight so that hands will carry it and the ball of left foot to return to its previous position.
  5. Repeat for about 30 seconds; switch sides, and repeat for another 30 seconds.

Alternative: Keep both feet attached and laid flat on the ground. After standing back, lift your knee (alternate sides).


Circuit 3

Cardio Blast: Do a moderate 1-minute intensity alternating with a high 1-minute intensity for about 8 minutes.


Starting-Gate Lunge

Starting gate lunge


  1. Stand with feet stretch apart along the line of your hips.
  2. Move right foot backwards, and lower body to form a lunging position with both knees positioned at 90 degrees angle.
  3. Keeping chest lifted, hinge forward at the hips and touch one hand to the ground on either side of the front foot.
  4. Push into feet and raise body off the ground and breath some air in, then land softly in previous position.
  5. Repeat for 30 seconds, then do it with the other leg and repeat for 30 seconds.

Alternative: Instead of doing a hopping movement, you could rise up from lunge position and then sink back down.


Table Twister

table twister


  1. Sit up straight with knees bent, feet apart on the ground in line with hips, and knees positioned over ankles.
  2. Hinge back at around the waist; place your hands on ground below shoulders, fingers out. Lift hips to raise body, then bend elbows to point directly back as body dips toward the ground.
  3. Push into heels, and stretch arms straight arms to raise body back up; punch right arm across your chest to rotate your torso towards the left.
  4. Place hand back to the ground, then immediately dip and twist to opposite side.
  5. Continue the cycle for 1 minute.

Alternative: Instead of twisting and punching, alternate lifting your hands off ground.


Circuit 4

Cardio Blast: An 8-minute high-intensity workout.


Reverse Diagonal Lunge Roll

reverse diagonal lunge


  1. Stand straight with feet kept close together and arms at both sides of the body.
  2. Maintaining right leg straight, move left foot back in a diagonal position and knee bent to the left in a 90-degrees angle to form a lunging position; touch ground by inside of left foot with right hand.
  3. Push left leg and return to starting position all the while lifting right arm to roll shoulder backwards.
  4. Repeat steps on opposite side and alternate for 1 minute.

Alternative: Instead of a diagonal way, execute lateral lunges out to the side.


Plank Hop

plank hop


  1. Pause in the “up” part of push-up; hands allowed to suspend below shoulders and body in straight line.
  2. Lower hips a bit, then lift them as you push into hands and feet while hopping your feet (and hands, if possible) to the left side, gently landing with elbows slightly bent.
  3. Repeat hopping right and continue to take turns.

Alternative: Instead of hopping, you can walk feet from side to side.


There are plenty of “work your body”, no-equipment cardio workouts you can do in Phase 1 too even if you have bad shoulders, a weak back, or creaky knees.


Original Source:  The Fast Metabolism Diet Community


Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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