How To Be An Attractor of Abundance
“Be a river, not a dam, and abundance of all kinds (financial and otherwise) will flow through you.” ~ Unknown
Actually, that’s the whole secret right there. Be a river, not a dam, and abundance of all kinds (financial and otherwise) will flow through you. Being a river means being the kind of person who is a channel of “water;” in other words, being one who allows resources, including money, to flow through you rather than being the kind of person who tries to dam up the flow of energy and selfishly keep it all for yourself.
Healthy rivers flow; water continues to move downstream and it gets replenished from an upstream source. In that river you’ll find all kinds of life: fish, micro-algae and plants. But if you dam up that river, you cause stagnation. You stop the flow.
This is what happens when people try to covet money. They try to collect money and put it all in their pockets without sharing with anyone. They become a collector or a dam rather than a channel. When water starts collecting and it’s not moving, it begins to stagnate; it becomes brackish and the life in it dies. The energy becomes a negative energy and it’s not the kind of place that people want to be around.
This is also true with people. People who operate on greed and whose main purpose is to try to collect and control resources, rather than share them, are not well-liked by other people. They won’t be successful in any business endeavor, other than by using methods of deceit and dishonesty. The dam model is the model of stagnation.
If you function as a dam in life you’re typically embracing a philosophy of scarcity. This is how a lot of people accidentally end up functioning as dams. They approach life with a fear… a fear of not having enough. They’re afraid they won’t have enough food or money. They contract and stop the outflow of resources, thinking if they conserve more money, if they try to keep everything for themselves, they will be better protected. And in fact, that only creates a situation of stagnation.
Related: Open to Prosperity & Abundance
On the other hand, a person who approaches life from a point of view of abundance believes there is more than enough financial wealth for the world and more than enough food. They usually repeat the following: “In my life, I am an abundant person in everything I deal with,” and they attract abundance and wealth. That person is going to flow like a river and notice that, even as they allow all of that water to flow downstream to other recipients and provide life further down the line, they are always replenished with new water coming from upstream. It is in fact the flow of that water that keeps it healthy and full of life.
Keep in mind that fear creates constriction or contraction, which leads to stagnation, loss of life and negative energy. On the other hand, sharing or opening up to others through generosity creates abundance; it brings life and broadcasts a higher vibration that attracts people. People want to be around you.
TIP: Adopt the vibration of abundance. You can start by giving. The best way to become wealthy, in terms of money, friendships, wisdom and everything else that matters in life, is to actually start giving away all of those things. By that I mean, start giving away some of your money. Find a good cause that you can donate to. Start giving information to the people around you. Give the gift of knowledge. Give the gift of time and effort or volunteer somewhere. Make the effort to be part of something constructive.
You might be thinking that you were broke before starting this and believing you will be even more broke. To that I would advise to look where you’re coming from. Once again, it’s from a perspective of scarcity and fear of not having enough. What if, instead, you started giving away time, financial resources and gifts of knowledge and information, and told yourself that this is an investment? Tell yourself, “I’m investing in others and in the flow of the river, and I know that this investment will come back to me. By taking these actions, I am in fact enhancing my wealth.” What if you said that? What would happen? Try it!
There is power in being a river, because once you start to flow, to allow resources to flow through you by helping others, the universe will reward you. It’s as if someone made a decision and noticed that you are responsible and you are a good manager of financial resources. You therefore will be granted a much larger collection of those resources.
You’ve got to give, have an open heart and be willing to invest in others around you in order to attract more abundance to yourself. Whether your goal is to have financial success, meet new people or heal yourself, you’ll find all of those things happening when you’re willing to give to others. When you give, you flow.
The river metaphor is the same concept observed in your Chakras. Simply giving actually opens up the flow of energy through the chakras or the energy centers in your body. When you give, you flow. At an energetic level, that is exactly what’s happening. When you flow, you actually prevent disease and you can start to reverse diseases.
Many diseases are energetically related to stagnation and lack of flow. Heart disease is one of them. People who don’t give don’t flow, and people who don’t flow tend to have more heart attacks. So by allowing yourself to flow by giving to others and being generous, you will simultaneously attract health and heal yourself.
You will also attract financial abundance, and will meet new people who can help you succeed in practically any endeavor. You will be able to create every bit of the success you imagine and most likely achieve something far beyond that as well.
Just remember this: “He who accumulates the most toys dies while still alive, because he turns into a dam and stagnates. The measure of a person is not how much she accumulates in life, but how much she helps others.”
You can create a river of abundance in your own life right now…
We can choose to change at any time we want. Even if we’ve never given a penny to anyone in our entire lives, we can make a change right now, and make a donation today. We can restructure the river inside of us right now. It only takes one decision and one action. You can restructure your life from this moment forward; you can create the flow even if you’ve never had it.
Be a river, not a dam, and abundance of all kinds (financial and otherwise) will flow through you.
Original article posted by Natural News.