Help Me God Change My Life

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Are you feeling overwhelmed with life, struggling with depression, feeling tired and sluggish, or know that your life is completely out of balance?



I just learned about a new program titled Help Me God! Change My Life that has just been released by Serenity Enterprises to help you put your life back on track!


The aim of the 12-week Biblically-based program is to help Christians and other spiritual seekers to eliminate the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical toxins that interfere with their overall health and well-being.


The program takes a biblical and holistic approach to health and healing. It contains a 375-page ebook that includes 80 daily spiritual and practical lessons and comes with 3 Christ-centered meditation downloadable recordings. “The meditations are designed to help participants move beyond their conscious thoughts and behaviors and begin to make changes at the subconscious level,” author Rhonda Jones.


Help Me God! Change My Life  guides readers through detoxing seven core areas starting with the mind and then progressing to the spirit, body, relationships, schedule, environment, vision or purpose. “When we are out of balance in one area, it tends to flow over to other areas as well,” said Jones. “Jesus said when one member suffers, the whole body is affected.”


Jones, shares how God lead her from a deep depression to joy, peace, and victory.  She is happy to help everyone who is looking for ways to de-stress, relax, and create greater intimacy with God.


>>>> Learn More:  Help Me God! Change My Life


It is time to transform. It is time to change. It is time to dig deeper. It is time to reach for higher heights. It is time to feel closer to God more than you ever have before!


Help Me God Change My Life


Kahren Young

Kahren's passion for Health & Wellness motivated her to found Forever Natural Wellness to share advise, tips, products and more with people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle, full of joy and happiness and who want to accomplish everything they want in life. Live Healthy & Be Happy!

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